Friday, January 07, 2011


 IMG_6720                                                                                     It’s a beautiful morning.  Late last night Mike got here from TX to deer hunt for the weekend.  The guys are up and gone early, the kids are off to school, so I make a lovely omelet and enjoy the sunrise!  The sky turned color long before the sun IMG_6728appeared. It was beautiful!
IMG_6725I work on Fridays so I did not get to goof off very long.  I went back to my room to get ready for work and something caught my attention as I was making the bed…  ABBY!  She was all curled up on the mattress on the floor Erin slept on last night.  IMG_6734IMG_6731 
We were making stromboli for dinner when the pick pulled into the driveway and backed into the garage…that meant…deer #1IMG_6740bwMike and Chris wasted no time in getting the first deer, although I suppose it did take all day!!  That left them all day Saturday for deer #2
I was too late for any good posed photos, but here they are goofing with some antlers left over from buck season. 

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