Friday, June 10, 2011

5/26 Baseball begins…

For the Sterling “Cal Ripken” league it does.  Hans had a game tonight.  I only had a few photos because I had to leave to go to the Driver’s Ed Parent Meeting.  Yep, Collin is taking Driver’s ed this summer.  HELP!

Hans was concerned the team would struggle as many players were young and not the best at hitting or fielding.  They started out OK, but Chris said they lost it in from the 2nd inning on. 

IMG_7145IMG_7151In player pitch something happened to Hans’ batting.  He learned, as many do, that if you hit and they get you out you’re out.  If you wait, the inexperienced pitcher will probably throw 4 balls and you can walk.   Until, of course you get with better teams that throw strikes and then you better hit the ball.  Above is a ball and Hans walks!

Only in baseball is stealing a good thing and Hans is very good at it!


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