Saturday, May 28, 2011

5/8 Track and Hurdles

We went to Track practice even though the boys were officially done competing.  It was team picture day, plus Hans had another go at the hurdles and this time I had my camera.

IMG_6673 These  hurdles   are going well and this one, well not so good.  He had quite the wipe out after this stumble.  IMG_6684I wandered away to get the camera away from him and when I turned back this is what I saw.  You rock my world, Hans!  No one is going to tell him he is too short for hurdles!hans hurdles

Here is one of Alan’s IMG_6694friends that are moving away this summer.  He has 2 friends moving and Hans has 2 , the college is having quite the turn over and it is messing with out kids social life!!!  


IMG_6702  As I wander back through Hans and Taya (long time friend) are still working the hurdles, this time with blocks!




Coach Jen McCoy is demonstrating proper form.  She is an Olympic hopeful for 2012!!!



Last, but not least, here is a Mother’s Day present from Erin.  Each photo was edited with a phrase about mothers!IMG_6729

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