Monday, December 14, 2009

Ice "skating" on "Lake Dill"
In the middle of one of the wheat fields that we farm called the Dill place (the owners of which built the house we live in) is a large frozen puddle the kids found. What fun they had on a bitter cold Saturday sliding and playing around on the ice. Lacy had fun as well and I made the long walk out there to photograph it!

My biggest problem with this was the muddy snow suits afterwards!


Steve and Joan said...

What fun! Staci and her friends were just talking about why kids, especially boys, like to slide everywhere. (Brody slides any chance he gets.) The little ice pond would be heaven for Brody... and me too!


Staci said...

Looks like fun! I they're close enough to the ground that it doesn't hurt their joints when they fall?!?