Friday, March 06, 2009

What is up? Thought I'd share a few more of my weekly project 365 layouts. Small glimpses into our lives... I am taking a photo a day (at least) and scrapbooking them one week at a time. This started in my Creating Keepsakes magazine, but there are a bunch of us on doing it too! You can click on the individual layouts to see them close up and then use the back key to get back here.

This winter has been very bizarre! Since January there have been more warm/ mild days than cold. Not that I love freezing or anything, but I am rather fond of winter! The fact that it has not snowed significantly at all this year really bums me out! Chris is already getting ready for the farm year... spraying weeds, putting anhydrous on. How can it be time already?????? It's been important for me to remain prayerful and faithful that God is sovreign. Sovreign over a depressed economy, no rain in months, high fertilizer prices, blah blah blah. His FAITHfulness to me in even the smallest things give me the reminder that HE is WITH me and will see it through. Whatever you are going through my friend, HE is with you too!

1 comment:

Staci said...

It's ok...we haven't had a good snow either ;) We haven't had ANY snow! lol Seriously though, you're right. God is faithful...and he will take care of our needs!