Monday, September 01, 2008

Another fabulous concert!

OK, I need to add "going to concerts" to my list of fav things to do! In the past 3 years, 3 of our fav Christian bands have come to KS! In 2007 it was Mercy Me, in 2008 Third Day and now Casting Crowns! All I can say is, if Casting Crowns comes to a town near you... GO! Talk about encouraging and fun!

The lead singer Mark Hall is a youth minister at his home church and an amazing speaker! His talking in between songs was as good as his singing and that's saying something! I'll need to jot those down because it was just so good!

For the record, here's the concert day run down!

We left early so we could get in line (General admission is not my favorite way to see a concert, in fact I may avoid it in the future! I'm too old for that kind of stress!) There were not many people there when we got there and I was expecting front row baby! Then 2-3 teenagers got ahead of us running into the arena and saved the 2nd-5th rows! And I let them, we sat in the 5th. (it is a Christian concert, right? Someone has to do what Jesus would do!) It is hard to be gracious when you are short, I paid the price when a +6 ft young man sat directly in front of me!

Who cares! Row 6 center was still very good and the conert was just so encouraging!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Of course can Chris and I come up with serious photo...? Nah!

Friend Christi from SC and SEBC, she got to endure us alllll afternoon and evening!Lead singer Mark Hall!Megan Garrett piano and background vocals Stage right: Melodee and Juan DevVevo: she plays an amazing fiddle and his guitar is fine!Hector Cervantes plays a wicked guitar! Rocked our faces off a bit... made the teenagers scream too! The drummer Andy Williams played one of the longest drum solo's I've ever heard. This man is amazing! In his office cubicle as they called it! Guitarist Chris Huffman was right where my 6 ft neighbor was so i do not have many photos of him.

Here's one! We had a nightmarish time finding someplace to eat in Dodge City. Restaraunts were less than competent! We finally, after 2 hours of trying ate at Burger King. Sigh, a whopper has never tasted so good! TFL! (thanks for looking!)

1 comment:

Staci said...

I'd say 5th row is pretty good (well...except for the tall guy! lol) I didn't realize you were going all the way to Dodge! I'm glad it was worth it. You need to photoshop the pics of you and Chris to make a good one. Y'all both look so good in the pics where you're'd make such a framer! :)