Monday, June 23, 2008

One month down! Where is summer going? I know "summer" has only just begun, but here in KS the children have been out of school for a month and I ask myself: where has the time gone?

It seems like the first week we stayed busy with baseball, VBS prep and we went to see the movie The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian. Then Vacation Bible School was in full swing and very busy. Unfortunately a humdinger of a virus visited 3 of the children with high fever, sore throat that looked like Strep, but wasn't and fatigue. So we missed a good 7 days of activities due to that. Then we hit a lull between not sick, but not well and harvest. Keeping older children busy and content with $4 gasoline is not easy!

We did find some adorable kittens. We had a few more baseball games (losses unfortunately). Our coach has not been very enthusiastic this year, so the team has not been practicing and thus not winning. We've been to the pool a handfull of times. Just pretty boring!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Staci said...

Wow! Erin's flexible (and brave) to try that trick with the swings!!