Monday, March 17, 2008

My dear little girl is 10!!!

How can this be? Seems like just yesterday she was born! Already she has grown into such a lovely young girl! She has a heart for Jesus, she loves to help and encourage other. She has the gift of laughter and silliness. She is talented at crafting and creating artwork. She is a fabulous helper and friend! She shares often and loves much. Her energy level is off the charts and I'd be utterly lost without her! Happy Birthday dear Erin! Here are some pictures of the day she was born! She joined us at 4:20 on March 17th! wow, what a busy night.

My parents came to help out! Since my dad does not get to give her a birthday greeting on this earth, this year, I thought I'd share one of my favorite pictures of him with her. He loved to hold a fussy infant and calm their hiccups, tired cries or just share a smile!

Erin was helping me make her birthday cake, I think she really just wanted to lick the bowl!

Happy Birthday Erin Lynne!

1 comment:

Staci said...

Happy Birthday Erin!