Sunday, July 17, 2011

7/11 A trip to the lake

We are off to Kannopolis lake today for some boating and tubing, our first time since the “incident” last fall.  The Elsners joined us and it was an enjoyable day.  It was HoT again!  100+F and we blew a tire on the way there.  Jim Scobee saw us broke down and laughed because a buddy of his had just said, it’s a good day for the lake and Jim had said it’s a good day to blow trailer tires, which I guess are susceptible to hot weather.  After a quick fix, we were on our way!IMG_9166hans collin tubehans collin tube2IMG_9167IMG_9184IMG_9183IMG_9185IMG_9178
 chris ski         IMG_9198
Erin and Chris tried the skiis.  Try as we did, the younger boys and I had a terrible time letting go of fear.  Hans and Alan had more fun playing/ swimming in the lake rather than tubing.  Collin and I passed on the skiing too.   I know Chris wanted us to, but I just could not get into it.  Maybe next time….

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