Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Where have I been? Where is the summer going? The answer to both is, I have no idea!!! Each day comes and each day goes and I wonder, what happened? Sometimes it is filled with summer fun, friends and water. Other days it is just chores & gardening mixed with laziness. After the busyness of June, July's schedule seems sparse, but the days continue to rocket by. Chris just finished the last flooded field yesterday... that's got to be a wheat harvest record somewhere!

The answer to one of the questions listed above it, the laptop has been down since the 2nd week of summer. With 6 people and one computer, well the blog and my scrapbook board have suffered. Chris has been facebooking in the evening which is very different! That will change as August approaches! It has beena wierd farm year. I have been taking a Jessica Sprague class the last 2 weeks to learn Photoshop and that takes what computer time I get. Plus with the kids up until 9:30-10 each night, I just don't feel like blogging.

This may sound like complaining, I don't mean for it too, it's just the way it is!!! I hope to start posting some stories and pics of what we have been up too. Baseball photos and my photoshop experiments are listed at my Anderson Farms shutterfly site. That's even faster than blogging!
I'll be back...sometime!


Steve and Joan said...

Glad to see you back! Summer is going by fast. Brody and Barrett are really enjoying swimming. He really had fun with "The Girls" from Kansas!!!

Staci said...

Hmmm. I'm gonna have to check out that photoshop class lady! I've been wanting to take a class but had no clue when I'd go somewhere to do it! Didn't think about looking for one online.