I made it, we made it... whew.
It was back in February that Brandy, our pastor's wife, asked me to help direct VBS. I said yes, but was reluctant because i have done this 2x and it is definitely outside of my gifting. Remembering details... thinking of all the little things that need taken care of...admin type things... those aren't my gift. Yet, God does not only call us to use our, "this comes easily for me" gifts and I love working with Brandy so... I said yes, of course!
It was in March that we started planning Mom and Dad A's 50th Wedding Anniversary celebration to be held in Colorado. Chris' older brother Bruce and his family would go from PA to CO and then back to KS for 2 weeks. It was the mid-March when we decided to hold a reception in KS as well for mom and dad's 50...
It was at lunch with Bruce and Karen over spring break when I realized all 3 of those things were going to happen at the same time! I felt a sense of dread begin but decided that we could handle it as long as we planned ahead and were ready!
In early May the kids chose their summer sports: Alan and Hans chose baseball and Collin wanted to sign up for Summer Basketball, both to start June 1 (same week as VBS). It was the last day of school when we got the notice that football camp was the same week as VBS.
Are you tired of reading yet? This is more for me than anyone else because the last 3 weeks are a blur to me. I was in charge of Erin's last day of school party. That afternoon Collin had a party to go to, Hans had piano and he and Alan had baseball! Got home at dinnertime, finished laundry and planned to pack in the morning. At 10 the next morning we leave for CO arrive in Denver at 5 for dinner with Jen and Simon. Off to the church to decorate and practice music. Back to Trish and Aarons. The weekend is lots of fun, but very fast and we leave Denver at 3:30 on Sunday arriving home at 11:30 pm, so Chris could work Monday. We had a week to prepare for VBS and the KS 50th Wedding anniversary.
Now that it is June 8th I can sigh, I just don't know why it all has to happen at the same time. It's hard to enjoy things when they come so quickly. There were days last week when we had baseball, football and basketball in the same day after VBS. We always say that we don't want the kids to get over busy, that we don't want them to be going from one activity to then next. Well, we get to eat more words because on Wednesday last week Collin went to football camp for 2 hours and then straight to a double header basketball game :o) Ahhh youth! I am thankful that God has gotten us through and kept us well. Seeing all the youth's faces at VBS always makes the work worth it. And the helpers! We thought we might be short on helpers, but we ended up having a few extras to help with Tshirts and fill in during absences. God is faithful!
I'll upload photos throughout the day! I'm done rambling...