Saturday, November 22, 2008

I have not blogged in forever. Seems between work and things here at home I have just set it aside. It has been a priority to keep up with my photo a day challenge on and other than that I crash at night. So I have neither blogged nor checked other people's blogs or message boards. The other part is that from 10/21-11/3 my mother was here from PA, which we love!!!!!!! Then 10/31 Chris' brother Phil and his family came and are here doing missionary debutations throughout KS in November, which we love! It's just cyberspace that suffers. (that's ok, this is really just for me and Stacy, I don't think anyone else really looks in unless I ask them too!)
I do like to keep a virtual scrapbook though and this helps. So I'll share some stories of mom's visit. She arrived and immediately Alan grabbed her for some fun shooting his dart gun. What a sport. She played this with him repeatedly over the weeks that she was here.

Mom, Erin and I went to a women's fellowship at the Broadway Market coffeeshop one night and heard a woman give a testimony stating that she faked being a Christian for 20 years, married to a pastor when she finally realized that she was just playing the game and came to a saving relationship with God through Christ. We went to a football game and a choral concert, but mom has those photos on her camera. We had a fun dinner at Bill and Paula's and we froze at the church's hayride / harvest party!

A good visit overall, I even cried on the way home from taking her to the airport!

1 comment:

Staci said...

Thanks for blogging!!! I loved all the pictures!