Sunday, November 16, 2008

Phil, Denise, Makenzie and Morgyn were busy every weekend and Wednesday doing deputations to prepare for their upcoming trip to Africa for missions. We went to hear their presentation and spend some extra time with them. Here are the children before church.Both Makenzie and Morgyn has stories and scripture to read about how God worked in their lives while they were in the Caribbean, plus there was a slide show. Our God is so awesome and knows us so intimately that He ministered to Makenzie by providing them with a Chow puppy shortly after arriving to the DR. Their dog had been killed by a car soon before going to the Caribbean, so to have a native actually give them a chow puppy (for free) was a big surprise!
Phil does an awesome job of story telling and challenging us with scripture to be ambassadors for Christ in whatever arena God has you! We are all called to be missionaries! Denise addresses some of her most adoring fans

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