Wednesday, September 01, 2010

A New School Year

Well, the summer is officially done and school is back in session.  Can you believe this camera crazy  mom did NOT take her camera to the grade school…the new $12 million grade school and take pictures at the open house??????  I’m so ashamed!

I do have a few tear down photos of the school worth sharing and saving in blog history.  It was kind of sad for the kids and even me to see the thing come down.  I have memories of seeing kids flood the hallways, searching for my own  kids and seeing them across the way.  Strange the things that grab your heart.    I’ll rectify the new school photos soon enough!

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1 comment:

Staci said...

Wow! That's so strange to see! Can't wait to see pics of the new school!

Oh...and I can't believe that Erin is taller than you!!!