Friday, February 26, 2010

Happy Anniversary Baby!
Where does the time go? It seems like ages ago that 2 transplant Kansans made their way back to Hershey PA for a beautiful wedding! My Christoper sang me down the aisle to "Arise My Love" by Michael Card. He had a terrible cold and wiped his nose every time Pastor Leon had us bow to pray. (People who peaked thought he was crying!) We had a beautiful day and a wonderful time with family and friends that sadly, we just don't see anymore. That sadness aside, 15 years later and we still got it! Friends, JUST WAIT til all the kids are in school! It's a wonderful thing!
I have always adored my husband's sense of humor and I still do. He can make even posing for Valentine's Day photos fun! Thank you honey for 15 years, filled with tears, laughter, hard work, children, more tears, draught, floods, ice storms, tornadoes, thick, thin, richer, poorer, sickness, health, good, bad, ugly, stinky and very silly!
Love YOU up to the moon and back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Sterling 7-8th grade boy's ensemble. They did a 3 part piece, well 3 movements and I just took a quick snip of each to let you hear how nice their sound is. This was for the St. John Music Festival and they received an AP for their performance, which is the highest mark possible.
Collins piano piece that he performed at the St. John Music Festival last Friday.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

The 6th Grade went to the Science Olympiad held at Fort Hayes State Univ in KS. The kids are in groups or pairs and have different assignments like Robotics, Ecology, Fossils, etc. Erin had a few categories but one of her biggest was Ornithology. She was very nervous the night before as she was to be able to identify bird calls… lots of them. The actual competition went better than she hoped. She placed 1st in Ornithology! Yeah Erin!!!

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Friday, February 19, 2010

While Makenzie and Morgyn (and of course Phil and Denise) were here the “girls” went to the mall and we got Erin’s ears pierced. She has been wanting to for a while and we were waiting until her 12th Birthday, but since they were here we decided to do it a month early.

morg and stumpy IMG_8158 IMG_8159

Sunday, February 14, 2010

The South Africa Andersons

While Phil, Denise and the girls were here, they blessed our church by providing a Wednesday night service for us.  They shared their ministry in South Africa so far and the hopes and plans they have for the future.  It was so neat to have them here and to be able to share what they do with our Kansas friends.IMG_8217
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Phil does communications and works sharing the gospel through radio, web communications and documenting missionaries work in their region.  Denise teaches seminary and works with compassionate ministries.  Chris and I hope to take the kids to South Africa this year to help in one of the Care Centers in J-burg and do some site seeing!  Pray for us as we plan and raise/ save money!

Sunday, February 07, 2010

More frozen fog…

Just thought I’d share some more frozen fog!!!

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Good friends!

Erin and her friend Jessica have been BFF’s since preschool.  Sure there have been months or years when they are busy with other friends or activities, but they remain great friends.  Jessica spent the day with us and they had some special outside fun with horses, kitties and wood chips!?!

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Too cute!